Monday, August 31, 2009

Under the Coin Star Find...

This morning, I stopped at the grocery store before work. When I left I spotted a coin under the coin star machine, it was a nickel (Canadian 2004). I need to fill a hole in coin folder...

Journal Entry:
change: .05
cans/bottles: none
August total: $42.34
Running total for each month: $75.83
cans/bottles running total: $25.50

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Town Park double Tot Lot finds...

This morning about 6:15AM I went out of the city to a small town west of me, there is a double playground both are pretty good in size. One is geared to smaller children and the other for older and that is the one I did better in. Got a 1947S nickel that I needed for my album, that was found in the area for older children. Todays finds were very good compared to other times and places, Found a Disney charm of Dumbo in the older lot and in the lot for younger children a really small piece of chain, when I got home I saw that there is a real small cross attached to it...

Coin Shooting/treasure hunting: $1.55; 3 quarters (1983P, 1985D, Idaho 2007P), 4 dimes (1980D, 1993P, 2004P, 2006P), 3 nickels (1947S needed for album, 1980P, 1984D), 25 pennies (1962, 1963D, 1965, (2)1974's, 1975, 1981, 1984, 1986D, 1989, 1992, (2)1993's, 1994D, 1996, (2)1998's, 1999, (5)2007's, 2008, 2009).
coin shooting running total: $21.79

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Wal Mart finds...

Today went to Wal Mart, am looking into buying a new digital camera for what I'm looking for no luck today. So got some motor oil for the car instead, after cashing out I spotted a dime and a penny on the floor while leaving the store.

Journal Entry:
change: .11
cans/bottles: none
August total: $42.29
Running total for each month: $75.78
cans/bottles running total: $25.50

Coin shooting before the rain...

Got out for a bit before the rain, supposed to be bad weather most of the day. At the beach playground I got .42 cents and also met another person that metal detects, he was coming and I was ready to call it a day. Went to another of the regular parks only got .02 cents. Not to bad of a morning and the rain is coming down very hard as I'm posting...

Coin Shooting/treasure hunting: .44 cents; 1 quarter (1965), 1 dime (2002P), 9 pennies (1979D, 1985, 1987, 1990D, 1991, (2) 1994's, 1994D, 200?D).
coin shooting running total: $20.24

8-28-09 Coin Star find...

Today after work I stopped at the grocery store, after going thru costumer service I eyed the coin star return slot and to my surprise there was a handful of coins. I started to get them out didn't care what the people in line were thinking (I know someone was surprised I heard a gasp). Had a good selection, a lot needed for my coin folders and also got 2 silver dimes. 5 Canadian pennies all are 2008's. 5 Lincoln cents 1975, 1984, 1995, 1996, 19??. 6 Canadian nickels 1978, 1980, (2) 2001's, 1952-2002, 2009. 3 Canadian dimes 1978, 1995, 2003. 4 Roosevelt dimes (2 silver 1959D, 1961D), 1967, 2006P. And one 1973 shilling. Oh, and I also found 2 pennies on the floor earlier in the day...

Journal Entry:
change: $1.12
cans/bottles: none
August total: $42.18
Running total for each month: $75.67
cans/bottles running total: $25.50

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

End of the Day...

I go and shut the door, which has been open so we all can get some air. As I'm walking over I spot a penny on the floor, first find in awhile not including the Metal Detecting...

Journal Entry:
change: .01
cans/bottles: none
August total: $41.06
Running total for each month: $74.55
cans/bottles running total: $25.50

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Today was a Bummer...

To start out it started to rain, I did go to the beach was there for a very short hunt (rain). I did find some kind of tag on the front was 3:16 and the back read "He Loves, He Gave We Believe, We Live." that was the only thing I found at the beach. Than went to another Tot Lot, was at that one once before got nothing (skunked). Than I went to a local park they have 2 playgrounds I went only to the small one, did finally come out with a whole .03 cents. I called it a day, this is the worst one I have had in awhile. Next weekend I have plans to hit a area that has 2 large Tot Lots next to each other, til than HH...

Coin Shooting/treasure hunting totals: .03 cents; 3 pennies (1980, 1988, 1993).
coin shooting running total: $19.80

Coin Shooting two Tot Lots...

Was an okay morning, went to two playgrounds, the first one did okay come out with .66 cents. The other one is starting to get very little finds, found .06 cents gonna give that one a break for awhile. Than last I hit the front yard, that too I'm gonna give a breat til maybe next year I found .08 cents in the front. One of the neighbor boys come over to me and asked if that was a metal detector, told him yes. He asked what I was looking for, told him metal (LOL!!!), than he asked if he could try but had to turn him down didn't want him to ruin the machine, kids in our neighborhood are a bit hyper and rough.

Coin Shooting/treasure hunting totals: .80 cents; 2 quarters (1981P, 1989P), 1 dime (1994P), 2 nickels (1978, 1988P), 10 pennies (1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1987D, (2) 1991's, 1997, 1998, 2008).
coin shooting running total: $19.77

Friday, August 21, 2009

Find at MacD's

This morning I stopped at MacDonalds for 2 breakfast sandwiches, one I eat when I get to work and the other I have at lunch. While I was at the register I looked down on the floor was a lone penny. Can't wait until Saturday morning, I plan to go out Metal Detecting (this is more fun than work) not sure yet where I'm going...

Journal Entry:
change: .01
cans/bottles: none
August total: $41.05
Running total for each month: $74.54
cans/bottles running total: $25.50

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Coin Star find...

This morning, on my way to work I stopped at the grocery store, checked the coin star and this time I found something (this store usually don't find anything). I got 2 pennies one Lincoln chewed up and one Canadian 2009 that I need for my album.

Journal Entry:
change: .02
cans/bottles: none
August total: $41.04
Running total for each month: $74.53
cans/bottles running total: $25.50

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Penny on the table...

In the area I was working, found a penny on the table that wasn't there earlier...

Journal Entry:
change: .01
cans/bottles: none
August total: $41.02
Running total for each month: $74.51
cans/bottles running total: $25.50

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Coin Shooting at a Small School...

This morning I went to a small school in a nearby suburb, the temp. was very warm and humid at about 7:30AM. This school I was at once before and today I did very good compared to other places (probably because I had dry ground, last time many of the area was flooded). Did find a small cross, don't think it is of good metal.

Coin Shooting/treasure hunting totals: .91 cents; 3 quarters (1999D Delaware (2), 1966), 1 dime (1994D), 1 nickel (1998D), 1 penny (1961D).
coin shooting running total: $18.97

August 15, 2009...Coin Shooting at the Beach, Tot Lot.

When to my regular spot, did okay.

Coin Shooting/treasure hunting totals: .61 cents; 1 quarter (1986P), 3 dimes (1982P, 1989P, 1995P), 6 pennies (1982, 2004 Canadians, 1971D, 1987, 1997, 1999D).
coin shooting running total: $18.06.

Visit from the Penny Angel...

Yesterday, I come across this site, has some interesting stories. I was thinking about this Penny Angel last night and some this morning. This afternoon we stopped at WalMart and after checking out I spotted two circles on the floor each was about 3 feet apart, when I got over to see I was surprised to see a dime and a penny. And walking out to the car I spotted a penny, my husband says I should walk the parking lot to find more (I know he was joking with me for he's not into this hobby). But when I find alot I say who's laughing now, hehehe...

Journal Entry:
change: .12
cans/bottles: none
August total: $41.01
Running total for each month: $74.50
cans/bottles running total: $25.50

Friday, August 14, 2009

Todays finds...

Journal Entry:
change: .10
cans/bottles: none
August total: $40.89
Running total for each month: $74.38
cans/bottles running total: $25.50

August 12, 2009 finds...

Journal Entry:
change: .14
cans/bottles: none
August total: $40.79
Running total for each month: $74.28
cans/bottles running total: $25.50

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A Few Pennies from Heaven...

Today, found a few pennies 2 on the floor and 1 on the table...

Journal Entry:
change: .03
cans/bottles: none
August total: $40.65
Running total for each month: $74.14
cans/bottles running total: $25.50

Monday, August 10, 2009

Hazy, Hot and HUMID...

Today at the doctor's office (nice air conditioning) I spotted a dime on the floor at check-out, hey I'll pick it up...

Journal Entry:
change: .10
cans/bottles: none
August total: $40.62
Running total for each month: $74.11
cans/bottles running total: $25.50

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Coin Shooting...Tot Lot at beach.

It had rained before I got up, didn't know if I should go out metal detecting. With pain or not I needed to get out (7:00AM). After watching the weather channel I decided that I'd give it a try (the humidity and heat is terrible today, it's raining now hopefully it'll cool down a bit). Went to the beach the Tot Lot I have been to several times and do pretty good, tried there and came out with .82 cents in a little over an hour (hey, better than nothing).

Coin Shooting/treasure hunting:
.82 cents; 5 dimes (1967, 1969D, 1985D, 2001P, 2003P), 4 nickels (1964, 2000D, 2004P, 2005P), 12 pennies (1979 Canadian, 1967, 1971D, 1972, 1975D, 1983, 1986, 1994, 1995, 1998, 2007, 2008).
coin shooting running total: $17.45

Trip to grocery store to return bottles...

Man, the humidity and heat is strong today. Again finally got in to return some bottles and cans...

Journal Entry:
change: none
cans/bottles: $3.65
August total: $40.52
Running total for each month: $74.01
cans/bottles running refund total: $25.50

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Coin Shooting 3 Tot Lots...

Today, I tried again some Metal Detecting went to 3 Tot Lots one never been to before. 1st one did okay but had much pain, cane did help some found .17 and 2 pieces of a pair of earrings. 2nd place have been to a couple of times there I got .41 and the last place is one I've been to several times and nothing.

Coin Shooting/treasure hunting totals: .58 cents; 1 quarter (1990P), 2 dimes (1983P, 1998D), 1 nickel (2000P), 8 pennies (1974, 1977, 1979, 1981, 1983, 1990, 1994, 2002).
coin shooting running total: $16.63

Fridays finds, 8-7-09

Towards the end of the day found .01cent on the floor.

Journal Entry:
change: .01
cans/bottles: none
August total: $40.52
Running total for each month: $74.01
cans/bottles running refund total: $21.85

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wednesdays finds...

Today while at clean-up spotted some coins...

Journal Entry:
change: .26
cans/bottles: none
August total: $40.51
Running total for each month: $74.00
cans/bottles running refund total: $21.85

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tuesdays Finds...

With the bad weather and heat the finds are...

Journal Entry:
change: $40.25
cans/bottles: none
August total: $40.25
Running total for each month: $73.74
cans/bottles running refund: $21.85

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Coin Shooting...Neighbors front yard.

This morning I decided to get up early and try coin shooting the front yard at the house next door. Only problem is it's very humid, the bugs are biting (it's 7:00AM) I also have bad knee pain making it very hard to get down and dig the plug. I am gonna try again tomorrow at some Tot Lots using the other knee to get down on and with the help of my cane to help me up, which is gonna take some getting used to. I just need to get out Metal Detecting, my outing for the week...

Coin Shooting/treasure hunting totals: .11 cents, 1 dime (1990P), 1 penny (1968D).
coin shooting running total: $16.05