Sunday, August 29, 2010

Some Morning Coin Shooting...

This morning was a beautiful start of the day, clear skies and not to chilly but still have a bit humidity to deal with. I went to one elementary school (nicknamed the Mosquito school, there are a lot of trees covering the play area and very little sun gets thru causing a large amount of these blood suckers). Didn't find a whole lot of coins here, did find .58 cents. Also found a pair of childrens shoes in the grass, each shoe had a heart charm on the top, I took them off the shoes to use on my painted spoons as an accent piece, I did leave the shoes there. Instead of searching another school I decided to search one of the many parks I go to. I'm going to wait until the kids are back to school so the play areas and school grounds get replenished. The park produced a lot of dimes, here I found .98 cents.

Coin shooting/treasure hunting: coins-$1.56; 2 quarters (1991D, 1998P), 9 dimes (1981P, 1988P, 1991D, 1993D, 1995D, 1996D, 1997D, 1998P, 2004D), 2 nickels (1994D, 2000P), 6 pennies (1973, 1983, 1988, (2)1995's, 2010).
coin shooting running total: $186.17

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