Monday, August 30, 2010

Morning at the Beach...

Here at the beach I started out at the TotLot, found some clad coins and this weird type button looks like it came off of something denim or Gothic. The size of this button is 1" long by 1" at the widest point.
At the spiral slide in the woodchips I also found an unspent bullet 350 Auto this item I don't want to save, usually I see a police car in the area but not today. After I got home and mowed the front yard, than I talked to the neighbor told him about my find and that I want to dispose of it properly, he told me to call the police and they would pick it up. I did and they did come to pick it up, to dispose of it the right way. **Never throw a live bullet into the trash**.
After the play area I went over to a different area of the park, here there was a gravel parking lot, found quite a few coins in the gravel parking area. I this area I found this pendent which registered as a penny/dime on my ACE250, looks like it's a frame for a dogtag. The size is 2 1/2" long by 1 5/8" wide, belive it hangs on those ugly big chains. There was an event here over the weekend with all kinds of modern and old fire trucks and live music, where the stage was I found one of the guitar picks (red) Quality Taylor Guitars H...
Coin shooting/treasure hunting: coins-$1.81; 3 quarters (1974, 1996D, Alaska 2008P), 7 dimes (1983P, 1990D 1995P, (2)2004P's, 2007P, 201oP), 36 pennies (1965, 1969D, 1971D, 1974, 1976, 1976D, 1977, 1978, 1978D, 1979, 1980, 1980D, (3)1981's, (2)1982's, 1984, (3)1988's, (2)1989's, (2)1991's, 1992D, 1993, 1995D, 1999, (2)2000's, 2001, 2002D, 2007, (2)2008's).
coin shooting running total: $187.98

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