Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thursday Morning Coin Shooting...

This morning I woke-up way before my alarm clock, was still dark since it was 5:15AM so I waited till some daylight started to show. I went to a new playground one I haven't been to before but knew it was there, it's not to big in size. Got a $1.04 in clad coins, not bad for the first hunt of the morning. I than went to a park I have been to a few times, this time I tried around the baseball field on the out side of the fence, found a Hot Wheel car (Corvette 1975) and a token (Roooofus The Roller 1998) and one penny. Than on to another playground have also been to this one several times, did get .17 cents in clad coins. The last playground is the one I have gotten a large hit when I first hunted it, today I got .30 cents in clad. Not to bad in my searches, tomorrow I'm off to the the beach for my coin hunting...

Coin Shooting/treasure hunting: $1.52; 2 quarters (1977, 1993P), 8 dimes (1073D, 1980P, 1994P, 1996P, 2000D, 2005P, 2006P, 2007D), 22 pennies (1964D, 1965, 1975, 1977, (3) 1983's, 1984D, (2) 1987's, 1990, 1993, 1994D, 2001, 2006, (2) 2007's, (5) 2008's).
coin shooting running total: $36.15

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