Friday, April 23, 2010

Hmmm, Finding Quarters than this Paso...

Figured I try again today to make up for the slump I had yesterday. Went to one location the beach playground, searched for a little over an hour. Found a key about 3 inches down in the grass and this Paso in the woodchips. Also, found clad coins.
Coin shooting/treasure hunting: coins- $1.53; 5 quarters (1987D, 1988P, (2)1995P's, Neveda 2006P), 2 dimes (1966, 2007P), 1 nickel (1990P), 3 pennies (1979, 1984, 1992).
coin shooting running total: $23.97

1 comment:

  1. Hi Audiz, I think your ready for the old homesteads and older sites. I hope you can find some, this city park digging is starting to bore me and I think you must be getting there too! HH
