Sunday, March 14, 2010

Short trip to the Mall on March 13, 2010...

Yesterday went to the mall for a little while with my husband, he walked one round (large mall) and I stopped at the Hallmark card shop and picked up a cute card. After choosing I went to the register a young couple was ahead of me after they paided she dropped some coins, she looked down at them and they two just walked away so I picked them up, hey .12 cents it adds up.

Journal Entry: "2010"
change: .12
cans/bottles: none
March total: .39
Running total for each month: $1.25
cans/bottles running total: $6.85

1 comment:

  1. Hi Audiz, and welcome to another year of digging and my best wishes go out to you! I got out for first time this year on my blog! Such a nice way to start, but my legs are soooo sore! HH ~ANDY~
