Saturday, November 14, 2009

Busy Morning Coin Shooting...

This morning I went to many locations, didn't do as good as I thought I would. First location an elementary school not far from home, the most I found here was 2 beer cans for deposit and .16 cents in clad. Well maybe the other places in the next town will produce. The second elementary school had two playgrounds the first one gave me .72 cents in clad and the second playground .21 cents in clad. While on my way to find the other two schools I spotted a large park so I turned around and searched there, they had a pretty good size TotLot found .77 cents in clad here. Will have to return here in the future, have several sports fields that can be searched. The fourth location school had about 4 TotLots, managed to only find .02 cents and the last school TotLot managed to find .37 cents clad. These places made it a not so good day, possibly someone searches these areas.

Coin Shooting/treasure hunting: $2.25; 3 quarters (1974, 1988P, 1990P), 12 dimes (1970, 1985P, 1988D, 1989P, 1990P, (2) 1993P's, 1998P, 1999P, 2003P, 2004P, 2007P), 2 nickels (1983D, 1995D), 20 pennies (1966, 1974, (2) 1976's, 1983, 1983D, (2) 1984's, 1985, 1986, (2) 1987's, 1988, 1989, 1994, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, ????).
Coin shooting running total: $104.04

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